1000 ANGELS: Request The Angel of Waste to draw close
This angel comes forward as part of a group of Messenger Angels and brings another angel to assist to help on the issue of Waste
Praying to The Angel of Waste for Support: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, or subconciousley, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Waste please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Waste brings this: “I will have detailed plans to achieving my goals”
The Archangel Ariel indicates that you have been working very hard and it will soon start to pay off. This minor card means that things are coming to fruition so you can expect results when it appears in your spread. It is a very welcome card if you have been persevering with a situation or task and have felt like you’re getting nowhere, as it tells you success is just around the corner! Whatever you have been putting your energy, you will start to reap the rewards. It can also signify being at a crossroads in terms of which life direction to take or needing to take stock of things and make a decision. The Archangel Ariel can represent manifestation of ideas, ambitions or goals so now is a great time to focus on what you want to achieve and make it happen. It is also a card of harvesting, cultivation, growing, planning, patience and finishing what you started.
One of the few female arch angels, Ariel is the protector of nature and its inhabitants. She seeks to bring peace to this world. Not for the betterment of man, but for the sake of all other life that shares this planet with us. She understands that there needs to be balance within an ecosystem for things to remain in working order. that’s not to say that she doesn’t help humans as well. Ariel tries to lead those in need to natural resources such as food or water to them.
The Archangel Jophiel card is a great card to have in your reading as it represents true happiness and emotional and spiritual fulfilment. It tells you that you will be living your happy ever after and can look forward to domestic bliss. This minor card represents happy families, children, caring and fun. You should be feeling very happy and secure when it appears in your reading. Life should be full of true contentment. This applies to you and your circle of family and friends. Everything you need you should have in abundance and you will be feeling truly blessed. Now is a time to reap the rewards of your previous hard work. The Archangel Jophiel card also represents playfulness and creativity so you may find the fun factor in your life goes up a notch when this card makes an appearance. The Archangel Jophiel can also signify reunions, home comings or family gatherings so if you have been away from your family, friends or partner or they have gone abroad, you can expect to be reunited with them.
Jophiel is a unique archangel in that her power is not for traditional purposes such as peace or saving the environment. the Archangel Jophiel seeks to aid creative minds. People such as artists, writers, musicians, architects or actors often need guidance. Not so much in their creative abilities (although she can help with those) but more in terms of keeping their egos under control. the power of creative thinking and how it brings joy to the world is definitely recognized by angels and arch angels.