Upright Meanings: creativity, family, homecomings, happy ever after, domestic bliss, children, harmony, blessings, happiness, reunions, marriage, long term relationships, fun, fate, life, play, family gatherings, soulmates, friendship, destiny, well-being, good luck, security, caring, abundance, stability, happy families
The Number Forty Five card is a great card to have in your reading as it represents true happiness and emotional and spiritual fulfilment. It tells you that you will be living your happy ever after and can look forward to domestic bliss. This minor card represents happy families, children, caring and fun. You should be feeling very happy and secure when it appears in your reading. Life should be full of true contentment. This applies to you and your circle of family and friends. Everything you need you should have in abundance and you will be feeling truly blessed. Now is a time to reap the rewards of your previous hard work. The Number Forty Five card also represents playfulness and creativity so you may find the fun factor in your life goes up a notch when this card makes an appearance. The Number Forty Five can also signify reunions, home comings or family gatherings so if you have been away from your family, friends or partner or they have gone abroad, you can expect to be reunited with them.
Upright Meanings: fatherhood, older man, structure, rules and power, stability, protectiveness, authority, dependability, logical, father-figure
What does The Number 4 Mean? As a person, The Number Four represents an older man who is good in business and usually wealthy. The Number Four is a solid, stable man. He is a powerful, grounded protector but he also can be rigid and stubborn. This can be a father or father-figure type or an older man you are romantically involved with. The Number Four is a hard task master and has little time for fun and frivolity. Children of The Number Four can struggle with father issues as falling short of his high expectations can affect their self-esteem. If The Number Four card appears in a past position, this major card can indicate that the father figure in your life was authoritarian and that, while he had your best interests at heart, he may have struggled to show affection. If it appears in the present or future it’s a much better omen as it indicates a wise older man who will give you solid advice which, if you follow it, will lead you in the right direction. Generally, if not representing a person in your life, The Number Four signifies the dominance of logic over emotion and of the mind over the heart. It signifies that concentration, structure, stability and focus is required if you want to make your ideas and dreams a reality. The Number Four upright can represent fatherhood.
What does The Number 5 Mean?
Upright Meanings: beliefs, bonded, conformity, religion, marriage, commitment, conventional, traditional values, mercy, traditional institutions, inspiration, social approval, forgiveness
The Number Five is the card of traditional values and institutions. The Number Five can represent a counsellor or mentor who will provide you with wisdom and guidance or a spiritual or religious advisor such as a priest, vicar, preacher, imam, rabbi or a monk. Alternatively, you may be dealing with someone who is very set in their ways. The institutions The Number Five card can represent include economic, religious, political, social, family, educational, social welfare and medical. Its appearance can signify that now is a time to conform to convention or tradition. It’s not a time to rock the boat. It can also be an indicator that you will take part in some sort of traditional ceremony or that you may start creating some new traditions or rituals of your own.
More Detail including Reversed Meanings