Physical Mediumship Isle Of Skye

Physical Mediumship Isle Of Skye

Physical Medium   Physical Mediumship

Right—–> Fanny Conant, photographed by William H Mumler, showing a physical spirit appearance of her brother, Charles H Crowell.

Broadford – Kyleakin – Portree –

News on Physical Mediumship in your area.


Pathway to Spirit, via Joan Hughes is committed to promoting physical mediumship.  Over the coming months we intend to expand the website to include articles on physical mediums, some well known, for example ]]> , and other mediums, less well know.

These county pages will be devoted to local groups where physical mediumship is of interest, and also provide a place for publication of physical circle activity.

Please feel free to send us an update from you circle’s activities and let us have any news or articles you think relevant to physical mediumship.  Contact Joan Hughes for advice on sitting in physical circles.


Notice Board for this Area

Nothing to post for this area as yet.  In the meantime here is an extract from one of my favorite books, “The Power of Now”.

Try for a moment to realize fully what is called the fourth dimension, of which we said something in an earlier chapter. It is easy enough to think of our own three dimensions – to image in our minds the length, breadth and height of any object; and we see that each of these three dimensions is expressed by a line at right angles to both of the others. The idea of the fourth dimension is that it might be possible to draw a fourth line which shall be at right angles to all three of those already existing.

Now the ordinary mind cannot grasp this idea in the least, though some few who have made a special study [Page 98] of the subject have gradually come to be able to realize one or two very simple four-dimensional figures.

Still, no words that they can use on this plane can bring any image of these figures before the mind of others, and if any reader who has not specially trained himself along that line will make the effort to visualize such a shape he will find it quite impossible. Now to express such a form clearly in physical words would be, in effect, to describe accurately a single object of the astral plane; but in examining the records on the mental plane we should have to face the additional difficulties of a fifth dimension! So that the impossibility of fully explaining these records will be obvious to even the most superficial observation.

Extracts from J W Leadbeaters “Clairvoyance’.

Your life situation exists in time. Your life is now. Your life situation is mind-stuff. Your life is real. Find the “narrow gate that leads to life.” It is called the Now. Narrow your life down to this moment. Your life situation may be full of problems – most life situations are – but find out if you have any problem at this moment. Not tomorrow or in ten minutes, but now. Do you have a problem now? When you are full of problems, there is no room for anything new to enter, no room for a solution. So whenever you can, make some room, create some space, so that you find the life underneath your life situation. Use your senses fully. Be where you are. Look around. Just look, don’t interpret. See the light, shapes, colors, textures. Be aware of the silent presence of each thing. Be aware of the space that allows everything to be. Listen to the sounds; don’t judge them. Listen to the silence underneath the sounds. Touch something – anything – and feel and acknowledge its Being. Observe the rhythm of your breathing; feel the air flowing in and out, feel the life energy inside your body. Allow everything to be, within and without. Allow the “isness” of all things. Move deeply into the Now. You are leaving behind the deadening world of mental abstraction, of time. You are getting out of the insane mind that is draining you of life energy, just as it is slowly poisoning and destroying the Earth. You are awakening out of the dream of time into the present.

All Problems Are Illusions Of The Mind

It feels as if a heavy burden has been lifted. A sense of lightness. I feel clear… but my problems are still there waiting for me, aren’t they? They haven’t been solved. Am I not just temporarily evading them?

Physical Mediumship Isle Of Skye

The body can become a point of access into the realm of Being. Let’s go into that more deeply now. I am still not quite sure if I fully understand what you mean by Being. “Water? What do you mean by that? I don’t understand it.” This is what a fish would say if it had a human mind. Please stop trying to understand Being. You have already had significant glimpses of Being, but the mind will always try to squeeze it into a little box and then put a label on it. It cannot be done. It cannot become an object of knowledge. In Being, subject and object merge into one. Being can be felt as the ever-present I am that is beyond name and form. To feel and thus to know that you are and to abide in that deeply rooted state is enlightenment, is the truth that Jesus says will make you free.

Free from what? Free from the illusion that you are nothing more than your physical body and your mind. This “illusion of the self,” as the Buddha calls it, is the core error. Free from fear in its countless disguises as the inevitable consequence of that illusion – the fear that is your constant tormentor as long as you derive your sense of self only from this ephemeral and vulnerable form. And free from sin, which is the suffering you unconsciously inflict on yourself and others as long as this illusory sense of self governs what you think, say, and do.

Look Beyond The Words


Aird of Sleat – Armadale – Duntulm – Dunvegan – Edinbane – Elgol – Kyleakin – Staffin – Torrin – Uig – Ullinish –


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