Physical Mediumship West London

Physical Mediumship West London

Physical Medium   Physical Mediumship

Right—–> Fanny Conant, photographed by William H Mumler, showing a physical spirit appearance of her brother, Charles H Crowell.

Bloomsbury – Holborn – Covent Garden – Seven Dials – Soho – Fitzrovia – Westminster – Marylebone – Mayfair – St. James’s –

News on Physical Mediumship in your area.


Pathway to Spirit, via Joan Hughes is committed to promoting physical mediumship.  Over the coming months we intend to expand the website to include articles on physical mediums, some well known, for example ]]> , and other mediums, less well know.

These county pages will be devoted to local groups where physical mediumship is of interest, and also provide a place for publication of physical circle activity.

Please feel free to send us an update from you circle’s activities and let us have any news or articles you think relevant to physical mediumship.  Contact Joan Hughes for advice on sitting in physical circles.


Notice Board for this Area

Nothing to post for this area as yet.  In the meantime here is an extract from one of my favorite books, “The Power of Now”.

“‘Such a vision I had just now, and its exceptional horror moved me as you have seen. I saw before me a corpse – not that of one who has died a peaceful natural death, but that of the victim of some terrible accident; a ghastly, shapeless mass, with a face swollen, crushed, unrecognisable. I saw this dreadful object placed in a coffin, and the funeral service performed over it. I saw the burial ground, I saw the clergyman; and though I had never seen either before, I can picture both perfectly in my mind’s eye now; I saw you, myself, Beauchamp, all of us and many more, standing round as mourners; I saw the soldiers raise their muskets after the service was over; I heard the volley they fired – and then I knew no more’.

“As he spoke of that volley of musketry I glanced across with a shudder at Beauchamp, and the look of stony horror on that handsome sceptic’s face was not to be forgotten”.

This is only one incident (and by no means the principal one) in a very remarkable story of psychic experience, but as for the moment we are concerned merely with the example of second-sight which it gives us, I need only say that later in the day the party of young soldiers discovered the body of their commanding officer [Page 131] in the terrible condition so graphically described by Mr.Cameron. The narrative continues:

Extracts from J W Leadbeaters “Clairvoyance’.


Don’t Seek Your Self In The Mind

I feel that there is still a great deal I need to learn about the workings of my mind before I can get anywhere near full consciousness or spiritual enlightenment. No, you don’t. The problems of the mind cannot be solved on the level of the mind. Once you have understood the basic dysfunction, there isn’t really much else that you need to learn or understand. Studying the complexities of the mind may make you a good psychologist, but doing so wont take you beyond the mind, just as the study of madness isn’t enough to create sanity. You have already understood the basic mechanics of the unconscious state: identification with the mind, which creates a false self, the ego, as a substitute for your true self rooted in Being. You become as a “branch cut off from the vine,” as Jesus puts it. The ego’s needs are endless. It feels vulnerable and threatened and so lives in a state of fear and want. Once you know how the basic dysfunction operates, there is no need to explore all its countless manifestations, no need to make it into a complex personal problem. The ego, of course, loves that. It is always seeking for something to attach itself to in order to uphold and strengthen its illusory sense of self, and it will readily attach itself to your problems. This is why, for so many people, a large part of their sense of self is intimately connected with their problems. Once this has happened, the last thing they want is tobecome free of them; that would mean loss of self. There can be a great deal of unconscious ego investment in pain and suffering. So once you recognize the root of unconsciousness as identification with the mind, which of course includes the emotions, you step out of it. You become present. When you are present, you can allow the mind to be as it is without getting entangled in it. The mind in itself is not dysfunctional. It is a wonderful tool. Dysfunction sets in when you seek your self in it and mistake it for who you are. It then becomes the egoic mind and takes over your whole life.

Physical Mediumship West London

All Problems Are Illusions Of The Mind

It feels as if a heavy burden has been lifted. A sense of lightness. I feel clear… but my problems are still there waiting for me, aren’t they? They haven’t been solved. Am I not just temporarily evading them?

If you found yourself in paradise, it wouldn’t be long before your mind would say “yes, but….” Ultimately, this is not about solving your problems. It’s about realizing that there are no problems. Only situations – to be dealt with now, or to be left alone and accepted as part of the “isness” of the present moment until they change or can be dealt with. Problems are mind-made and need time to survive. They cannot survive in the actuality of the Now. Focus your attention on the Now and tell me what problem you have at this moment. I am not getting any answer because it is impossible to have a problem when your attention is fully in the Now. A situation that needs to be either dealt with or accepted


Acton – Bavons Court – Bayswater – Bedford Sq – Belgravia – Berkeley Square – Bond Street – Brook Green – Charing Cross Road – Chelsea – Chiswick – Covent Garden Dombey St – Ealing – Grosvenor Square – Hammersmith – Hanwell – Holland Park – Hyde Park Corner – Kingsway – Knightsbridge – Leicester Square – Little Venice – Marble Arch – Notting Hill – Oxford Circus – Oxford Street – Paddington – Park Lane – Piccadilly – Piccadilly Circus – Pimlico – Regent Street – Shaftesbury Avenue – Shepheards Bush – Shepherds Bush – Soho Square – South Kensington – The Strand – Tottenham Court Road – Trafalgar Square – Wardour Street –


Clairvoyance Birmingham  Clairvoyance Bristol  Clairvoyance Edinburgh  Clairvoyance Glasgow  Clairvoyance Leeds  Clairvoyance Liverpool  Clairvoyance London  Clairvoyance Manchester  Clairvoyance Sheffield