0101 Meaning: If you keep seeing 0101 this is the angels way of trying to catch your attention. Here are the angels that will enlighten you on the Meaning of Angel Number 0101. This angel number is most often related to the time of day. Please see below. If you see angel number 1 a lot or in multiples, please see below. It is usually to do with repeating patterns.
The Archangel Michael
Angel Meanings: determined, fighting your corner, maintaining control, harassment, under attack, scapegoat, stiff competition, protective, strong will, challenging, energy, assertive, taking high road, busy, standing up for beliefs, defensive, blame, relentless, courage, hectic, victory, territorial, opposing, holding your own, stamina, forceful, resisting
Angel Number 2 Meaning Michael’s name translates from the Hebrew as ‘Look Like God’. He is the Archangel we invoke in our battle against negativity. He helps us find the light within ourselves. Historically he is the protector of both Israel and the Catholic Church. He is the patron saint of policemen, soldiers and small children and also watches over pilgrims and strangers. He is the fiery warrior, Prince of the Heavenly Armies, who fights for right and justice and gives guidance to all those who find themselves in dire straits. Michael is also the bringer of patience and happiness.
The Angel of Knowing
Angel Meanings: flexibility, new projects, transferring money, adaptability, profit and loss, ups and downs, balancing books, financial stress, juggling life, resourcefulness, trying to find balance, helpful, financial decisions, income and outgoings, balance, juggling money, harmony
What does Angel Number 10 Mean? The Angel of Knowing helps each one of us find and listen to that part of us which always knows. This is the place where we are completely empowered and whole. This is not the function of the rational mind which understands limitations. It is, rather, something in our deepest consciousness which is tuned to the vibrations of the cosmos and is profoundly aware of all things. When we tap into our deep knowing we bypass our mental framework of how reality is sup’ posed to be. We short-circuit our emotions and renounce our negative attitudes towards life. This deep knowing comes from the absolute certainty of who we are, and may manifest itself in voices or pictures or even go beyond images, giving us a direct experience of Self.
The Angel of Discernment
Angel Meanings: snap judgments, rejuvenation, awakening, self-evaluation, decisiveness, composure, apportioning blame, rebirth, homesickness, judgment, atonement, judgment, improvement, promotion, renewal
What does Angel Number 1 Mean? The Angel of Discernment teaches us to honor our inner voice and to listen to our hearts. If we are given complex choices which involve making difficult decisions affecting our spiritual evolution, this angel helps us to choose the right path. It is always guiding us towards what will serve our growth and help us develop our strengths and gifts. Discernment eliminates what is negative, ineffectual and maybe potentially damaging to us. Learning discernment is refining our skill at sensing what is the healthiest and most joyful path for us.
Repeating Angel Numbers such as 11 111 1111 11111 can be a sign that you are being told something important about Angel Number 1. See Repeating Numbers for more information. When you see repeating numbers like 1 etc., or a single number cropping up 3 or more times then its time to break the numbers down and look closer at Angel Number 1. One simple meaning is Angel Number 1 means Make Change And Embrace New Beginnings
If you are looking for the angel meaning of time of day numbers like 01:01 it means pay attention to the numbers themselves OR to expect a spiritual visit or some other event around 1am
The exact time is not that important. Late at night it could well come in a dream! See Waking up at Meanings and also See Seeing a Time Meanings for more information
More Detail including Reversed Meanings