1000 ANGELS: Call on The Angel of Ambitions to draw close
This angel comes forward as part of a group of Archangels and brings 3 more angels for a balance to help on the issue of Ambitions
Looking to The Angel of Ambitions for Help: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, or subconciousley, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Ambitions please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Ambitions brings this: “I am transforming into a better person when on my own”
The Angel Prince of the North is a positive card to get in a spread. It represents learning, studying and apprenticeship. It also signifies hard work, determination, dedication and commitment so whatever you are doing at the moment, you are likely to be giving it 100%. It also signifies building on success or foundations. You have worked hard to overcome your challenges and the effort you have put in should be paying off. This minor card can also indicate that you may be collaborating with others to achieve your goals.
Positive thinking and understanding allow us to express our freedom and individuality. This Angel Prince helps us to communicate our ideas to others and aids us in forming a rational plan for living our lives. Clarity of thought permits us to be economical with our energy and wise with our actions. We can pray to The Angel Prince of the North to bless us with insight and to help us focus our thinking clearly. We can also pray for help with our ability to express our thoughts, so that our ideas are made clear and are easily understood and accepted by others. This angel can help us comprehend difficult concepts. These can include new ideas which may be difficult to assimilate, or they could be concepts which are alien to our belief system.
The Angel of Faith is the bearer of good news in earthly matters such as money, business, education, career, property or health. It represents making a solid start or laying the foundation for future success. The message with this minor card is to decide what you want and really go for it. Jump in and seize your opportunities while you can. It tells you that if you make the right decisions now and put the groundwork in you will achieve your long terms goals. You may find yourself thinking about your long term future when it appears. If representing a person, The Angel of Faith represents a young person, child or person who is young at heart, who is grounded, loyal, responsible, dependable and ambitious and who has common sense and excellent future prospects. They may be an Earth sign such as Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.
We may find, when life’s trials are weighing heavily on us, that we can find the faith that all will come right. This faith sustains us through the hard times. We may sometimes stumble along and lose our way, but faith that all is ultimately for our highest good can raise us above our doubts and despair. Faith is the belief that whatever it is you are asking God to deliver is already on its way. Faith is the acceptance of uncertainty and the firm belief that all comes right in the end. In this age of instant gratification we lack the opportunities to express our faith except when grave crisis comes along. Faith is something that only we can choose to develop for ourselves. People can tell us about it and recount their own personal experiences but essentially it comes to each of us from a deep inner connection with ourselves.
The Guardian Angel Reiyel card can represent missed opportunities, remorse or regret. It can also signify becoming self-absorbed due to depression, negativity or apathy. The Guardian Angel Reiyel can indicate that you are feeling bored or disillusioned with your life, you may be focusing on the negative or feeling like the grass is greener on the other side. You may feel like you have lost your passion and motivation for life. When this minor card appears in your spread it comes with a warning to be mindful of the opportunities or offers available to you. You may be inclined to dismiss them as insignificant now but you could realise later that they would have led on to amazing things. The Guardian Angel Reiyel can also represent feeling nostalgic, daydreaming or fantasising.
Reiyel is the angel of deliverance, wide open spaces, tall mountains, and the natural world and guides us on our spiritual path through meditation. This guardian angel is able to help you make a connection with your spirit guides using a higher form of consciousness. He can help us lose our attachment to material things. He is the guardian angel who will help if you are trapped in a situation and will protect you from dead-end paths, manipulation and greed. He brings balance if you have your head in the clouds or are too down to earth.