Aura Color Meanings

Aura Colors – Aura Meaning   Books on the Aura

The Colors of your Aura are neither good nor bad. No color is superior or more spiritual than another. Every color has an energy signature with a unique representation relating to you, the individual.


Bright, vibrant, and integrated colors signify harmony while dark or unbalanced colors may indicate stress, fatigue, or emotional challenges.

  • Blue Auras – Born survivors, positive intentions, good vibrations, good intentions or meaning well to others.
  • White Aura – Very spiritually inclined, positive person and good energy
  • Purple aura – Good intuition and active interest in spiritual matters
  • Black Aura – Hate, Negativity, Depression, Ego
  • Brown Aura – Bitterness, Selfishness, Discouragement, Deceptiveness, Confusion
  • Red Aura – Angry or in a confrontational state of mind
  • Orange aura – Contemplating revenge, having inner frustrations, turmoil, more or less similar to red aura.
  • Light orange Auras – Symbolize inspiration, uplifting and absorption.
  • Yellow aura – Deep thought and concentration, studying or planning something. Joy, freedom and happiness etc are also believed to be stemming from yellow aura colors.
  • Green Aura – Denotes a nature lover and balanced individual. People with green aura colors indicate natural healing capacity.

Due to its great variation of colors, the aura is most complex to analyze. In addition to revealing each individual’s degree of evolution, it portrays his tendencies, natural disposition, degree of intelligence, reasoning capacity, sensibility and finally, the nature of his thoughts. Although it appears to be only one, the human aura is in reality threefold: the spiritual aura, the astral body aura and the physical aura. Each aura corresponds to the nature of the body from which it emanates and aura color interpretation must bear this in mind.

Much is said about the aura as a way of knowing the personality of the people. The color of the aura is not fixed, it depends on the personality, mood and health. If you have already started to see auras, using the exercise we gave you in the previous article, it is time for you to know its meaning.

Red Aura

Red is associated with the first chakra, the base and root of our body. It has properties of action, leadership, innovation and sexuality. It brings vitality. People who have a red aura are very strong and enthusiastic, they are attracted to adventure . They are people who are looking for success and are usually born leaders. They are also linked to the physical and material. Also, they are very passionate in love. On the other hand, they are protective and need their own physical and emotional space.

Orange Aura

Orange is associated with the second chakra. It is the color of optimism and emotional warmth. A color to fill you with joy. People with the orange aura are active, they have a large energy reserve that drives them to carry out many activities . They are usually adventurous and they like sports and travel. They have a great ability to solve problems, since they have great self-confidence. Furthermore, they are adaptable, sociable and highly diplomatic people.

Yellow Aura

Represents the third chakra. It is the color of self-esteem, objectivity and intellectual powers. Yellow is the color of the intellect. People with the yellow aura have highly developed intelligence and are usually thoughtful . Although spending all day reflecting also makes them especially clueless, and ideas tend to get tangled up in his mind. They like challenges and are often avid readers.

Pink Aura

This color is that of the heart. It is a color that provides sensitivity and tranquility . People with the pink aura are super emotional, kind, caring and caring . They love the simplicity of everyday life. However, they are usually people who need the love of those around them. They are especially receptive to different artistic expressions.

Green Aura

It corresponds to the fourth chakra and is related to love, kindness and peace. People with a green aura are abundant, calm, and thoughtful . It is difficult to disturb them with everyday unforeseen events. They are very objective people who have a great command over situations. They are persevering in everything they undertake and although things get difficult they renew energy and continue. Green is also the color of healing found in great healers.

Blue Aura

It is associated with the fifth chakra. It is the color of consideration, idealism, ethical values ​​and spiritual knowledge. It is the most useful color to relax and keep us in peace. People with this aura color have good emotional stability , their nervous system is usually relaxed and stable. Although if the person is unbalanced, they can go through stages of melancholy and even depression. They are very stable, sociable people and very good speakers. Free spirits with great positive energy.

Violet Aura

It is the chakra associated with love, psychic ability, intuition and spiritual purpose. This color has the function of providing respect and intuitive sensitivity. People with a violet aura are difficult to find. It is a very rare aura that people with great spirituality and a very philosophical being have . They are usually great readers and are people with a lot of wisdom and intuition. They are not people who pay much attention to the material. They look for jobs that give them comfort and they live quite freely since their skills and faith make them prosperous people.