Free Angel Reading

Card Strength/Reversed Cards      What are Affirmations? Free reading from the angels, guidance and advice on your past present and future The cards are shuffled Choose 3 cards at random, first for the past, 2nd for the present and third for the future. These angels represent the weeks (or days/months) guidance with your love READ MORE

Instant Angel Health Reading 1 Card

Work with the Angels for Guidance & Inspiration on the subject of health, sickness and wellbeing. Think of  question you would like help with and then meditate on this for a few moments, asking the Angels for their help. Pick a card. The angel that comes for you may not seem relevant to your health, READ MORE

Instant Angel Spiritual Reading 1 Card

Work with the Angels for Guidance & Inspiration on the subject of spirituality, religion or spiritual growth. Think of  question you would like help with and then meditate on this for a few moments, asking the Angels for their help. Pick a card. The angel that comes for you may not seem relevant to to READ MORE

Instant Angel Family Reading 1 Card

Work with the Angels for Guidance & Inspiration on the subject of family, friends and relationships. Think of  question you would like help with and then meditate on this for a few moments, asking the Angels for their help. Pick a card. Don’t worry if the angel that comes does not seem relevant to family READ MORE

Angel for the Day

Click to shuffle the cards Choose Type Select one card. There are many different types of Angels on the Other Side so when your Spirit Guide sees that you are in need (if you have not asked for them already), they will call in Angels. They know which Angels to call upon and how many READ MORE

Past Life Angel Reading

This past life angel reading draws your angels close and asks that an angel connects with you to bring energies and insights that connect with past incarnations your last incarnation and one of your previous incarnations. In addition we ask that an angel comes forward to assist with your current incarnation to give guidance on READ MORE

Daily Angel Affirmations

Get Angel Affirmations What are Affirmations? The Angelic Realm will bring thoughts and affirmations for you today.  They will appear here when you click to shuffle the cards.  You do NOT have to choose a card if all you want is the daily affirmations.  If you choose to click a card for a daily angel READ MORE

Free Angel Love Reading

Card Strength/Reversed Cards      What are Affirmations? Do you want help from the angels with your Love Life? The cards are shuffled Choose 3 cards at random, first for the past, 2nd for the present and third for the future. These angels represent the weeks (or days/months) guidance with your love life. The combination READ MORE