This meditation is copyright to Gay Clarke of Pathway to Spirit
Buy CD at £5 with music details below

The Healing Journey is a guided meditation that can be used many times over in differing ways.
It may be used for relaxation, to heal the body, the mind or even a situation which which your aren’t at ease.
Each time you use the meditation you will select one of three pathways, each pathway will end at a large or small hall where you will choose one of 6 objects at random on which to reflect, thus giving variation each time you use the CD.
The Healing journey is unique and you will not find it available anywhere else.
The Healing Journey Meditation is copyright to Gay Clarke at Pathway to Spirit. It may be used in commercial situation only with written permission. This will usually be granted for circles and other non-profit making projects.
You may buy a copy of this healing meditation on CD with music, 20 minutes, in it’s original complete form, which is a guided meditation for healing and relaxation, along with a second meditation also 20 minutes, for £5 including p&p. See also River of Life Meditation and Past Life Regression Meditation
Please note: Cd’s are currently sold out due to unanticipated demand.