Myths and Bible Scare Stories

“Without question, the nastiest, evil, most disgusting, cunning, and seductive spirit in Satan’s hierarchy has to be what many call the Jezebel spirit”.
“A Jezebel spirit in a woman will not submit to a man, if she does it will only be in pretence in order to gain ground or favours; her submission is conditional”.
“People influenced by a spirit of Jezebel have fear issues of rejection. They control others so that they will not be hurt. Generally, there is a history of trauma or abuse”.
The Real Jezebel Spirit
Wow! Let me say first that as a spiritualist I don’t decry the bible and the christian faith which I was brought up in but it’s seriously time we gave up holding onto these archaic ideas. If you believe in reincarnation and past lives then Jezebel has long since moved on. I believe in a universal energy that we are all connected to whether in spirit or on earth and I believe we can connect to archetypal energies that help us move on with our spiritual goals.
Although it is a fine line between playing games or not taking something seriously there is also the aspect that we learn from everything we do, so if you want to call on the Jezebel spirit that’s fine by me and here’s why. No matter what you think of Jezebel and her intentions as she is known for, her soul will have progressed and if your intentions are good then the Jezebel Spirit Archetype can have much to teach you.

It may be that you have had issues yourself or some close to you does, for example a daughter or friend, or perhaps you have feelings or thoughts you are not happy about. If the idea of Jezebel has come into your head, or maybe someone has used that expression in your hearing, then you can by all means call on the Jezebel Spirit for guidance. Do not suppose for a minute that this will encourage the tendencies that Jezebel is known for, exactly the opposite is true. She will help you work through those issues as she herself has done.
You can find free spirit guide archetype readings on our sister site. We don’t actually have a Jezebel Spirit Guide in the Archetype card deck but you will can find information on this archetype and its meanings in The Rebel Archetype that has many of the same traits.