In connection with clairvoyance, the heart chakra is utilized to “tune” in by way of “empathy”, and this makes us reach “clear feeling” when we begin developing this chakra. Moreover, the heart chakra helps telling us where we are in our lives and if we are on the right track. It is only a question of having the courage to listen to your own feelings and trust that what you feel is right for you. The more you dare to utilize the feelings that arise within you and be one hundred percent loyal to those feelings, the stronger they will become, and the more certain will you become that they are the right feelings for you to have in life.
Nevertheless, in this country we are brought up to think that our feelings do not have the same value as our intellect. That, I believe, is a big mistake, for if we do not listen to our feelings, we shall never find peace, whether in the inner or the outer world, for this is also where love for life is rooted. Each time we listen to our own feelings and sensations instead of “silly” advice from other people, we get a little closer to our own core, and to that which is really important to us in life, that which we all are seeking in one way or the other, namely to find love for life and for other human beings.
John Edward – American TV Psychic
One of the world’s most highly acclaimed psychic mediums John Edward began having psychic experiences when he was no more than a toddler. In One Last Time he reveals for the first time how he discovered and gradually developed his amazing power to foretell the future and communicate with the dead.
John Edward’s fresh and honest approach has earned him an international following among those who seek genuine and accurate after-death communication with departed family and loved ones. John’s extraordinary gift has opened a window to the spirit world through which come messages of love and healing messages about the continuous nature of life from those who have passed over to the other side.
Psychic John Edward of Crossing Over fame shows us that our loved ones never cease to love us and never really die.
John Edward is an internationally acclaimed psychic medium. He has appeared on television and in the media around the world and has made two videos about communicating with the deceased. Edward’s also conducts popular workshops and seminars for those who wish to develop their own psychic abilities.
He has captivated audiences worldwide. On his nationally syndicated talk show Crossing Over with John Edward he used his unique abilities to connect people with loved ones who have passed on. Deeply compelling often startling and occasionally humorous John’s down-to-earth approach has earned him a vast and loyal following. Crossing Over with Medium/Psychic John Edward.