Physical Mediumship Aberdeenshire
Physical Mediumship
Right—–> Fanny Conant, photographed by William H Mumler, showing a physical spirit appearance of her brother, Charles H Crowell.
Aberdeen – Fraserburgh – Inverurie – Peterhead – Turriff –
News on Physical Mediumship in your area.
Pathway to Spirit, via Joan Hughes is committed to promoting physical mediumship. Over the coming months we intend to expand the website to include articles on physical mediums, some well known, for example ]]> , and other mediums, less well know.
These county pages will be devoted to local groups where physical mediumship is of interest, and also provide a place for publication of physical circle activity.
Please feel free to send us an update from you circle’s activities and let us have any news or articles you think relevant to physical mediumship. Contact Joan Hughes for advice on sitting in physical circles.
Notice Board for this Area
Nothing to post for this area as yet. In the meantime here is an extract from one of my favorite books, “The Power of Now”.
All these instances (and they are merely random selections from many hundreds) show that a certain amount of prevision is undoubtedly possible to the ego, and such cases would evidently be much more frequent if it [Page 139] were not for the exceeding density and lack of response in the lower vehicles of the majority of what we call civilized mankind – qualities chiefly attributable to the gross practical materialism of the present age. I am not thinking of any profession of materialistic belief as common, but of the fact that in all practical affairs of daily life nearly everyone is guided solely by considerations of worldly interest in some shape or other.
In many cases the ego himself may be an undeveloped one, and his prevision consequently very vague; in others he himself may see clearly, but may find his lower vehicles so unimpressible that all he can succeed in getting through into his physical brain may be an indefinite presage of coming disaster. Again, there are cases in which a premonition is not the work of the ego at all, but of some outside entity, who for some reasons takes a friendly interest in the person to whom the feeling comes. In the work which I quote above, Mr. Stead tells us of the certainty which he felt many months beforehand that he would be left in change of the Pall Mall Gazette, through from an ordinary point of view nothing seemed less probable. Whether that foreknowledge was the result of an impression made by his own ego or of a friendly hint from someone else it is impossible to say without definite investigation, but his confidence in it was fully justified.
There is one more variety of clairvoyance in time which ought not to be left without mention. It is a comparatively rare one, but there are enough examples on record to claim our attention, though unfortunately [Page 140] the particulars given do not usually include those which we should require in order to be able to diagnose it with certainty. I refer to the cases in which spectral armies or phantom flocks of animals have been seen. In The Night Side of Nature (page 462 et seq.) we have accounts of several such visions. We are there told how at Havarah Park, near Ripley, a body of soldiers in white uniform, amounting to several hundreds, was seen by reputable people to go through various evolutions and then vanish; and how some years earlier a similar visionary army was seen in the neighbourhood of Inverness by a respectable farmer and his son.
Extracts from J W Leadbeaters “Clairvoyance’.
The body can become a point of access into the realm of Being. Let’s go into that more deeply now. I am still not quite sure if I fully understand what you mean by Being. “Water? What do you mean by that? I don’t understand it.” This is what a fish would say if it had a human mind. Please stop trying to understand Being. You have already had significant glimpses of Being, but the mind will always try to squeeze it into a little box and then put a label on it. It cannot be done. It cannot become an object of knowledge. In Being, subject and object merge into one. Being can be felt as the ever-present I am that is beyond name and form. To feel and thus to know that you are and to abide in that deeply rooted state is enlightenment, is the truth that Jesus says will make you free.
Free from what? Free from the illusion that you are nothing more than your physical body and your mind. This “illusion of the self,” as the Buddha calls it, is the core error. Free from fear in its countless disguises as the inevitable consequence of that illusion – the fear that is your constant tormentor as long as you derive your sense of self only from this ephemeral and vulnerable form. And free from sin, which is the suffering you unconsciously inflict on yourself and others as long as this illusory sense of self governs what you think, say, and do.
Look Beyond The Words
Physical Mediumship Aberdeenshire
The pain-body usually has a collective as well as a personal aspect. The personal aspect is the accumulated residue of emotional pain suffered in one’s own past. The collective one is the pain accumulated in the collective human psyche over thousands of years through disease, torture, war, murder, cruelty, madness, and so on. Everyone’s personal pain-body also partakes of this collective pain-body. There are different strands in the collective pain-body. For example, certain races or countries in which extreme forms of strife and violence occur have a heavier collective pain-body than others. Anyone with a strong pain-body and not enough consciousness to disidentify from it will not only continuously or periodically be forced to relive their emotional pain but may also easily become either the perpetrator or the victim of violence, depending on whether their pain-body is predominantly active or passive. On the other hand, they may also be potentially closer to enlightenment. This potential isn’t necessarily realized, of course, but if you are trapped in a nightmare you will probably be more strongly motivated to awaken than someone who is just caught in the ups and downs of an ordinary dream. Apart from her personal pain-body, every woman has her share in what could be described as the collective female pain-body – unless she is fully conscious. This consists of accumulated pain suffered by women partly through male subjugation of the female, through slavery, exploitation, rape, childbirth, child loss, and so on, over thousands of years. The emotional or physical pain that for many women precedes and coincides with the menstrual flow is the pain-body in its collective aspect that awakens from its dormancy at that time, although it can be triggered at other times too. It restricts the free flow of life energy through the body, of which menstruation is a physical expression. Let’s dwell on this for a moment and see how it can become an opportunity for enlightenment. Often a woman is “taken over” by the pain-body at that time. It has an extremely powerful energetic charge that can easily pull you into unconscious identification with it. You are then actively possessed by an energy field that occupies your inner space and pretends to be you – but, of course, is not you at all. It speaks through you, acts through you, thinks through you. It will create negative situations in your life so that it can feed on the energy. It wants more pain, in whatever form. I have described this process already. It can be vicious and destructive. It is pure pain, past pain – and it is not you. The number of women who are now approaching the fully conscious state already exceeds that of men and will be growing even faster in the years to come. Men may catch up with them in the end, but for some considerable time there will be a gap between the consciousness of men and that of women. Women are regaining the function that is their birthright and, therefore, comes to them more naturally than it does to men: to be a bridge between the manifested world and the Unmanifested, between physicality and spirit. Your main task as a woman now is to transmute the pain-body so that it no longer comes between you and your true self, the essence of who you are. Of course, you also have to deal with the other obstacle to enlightenment, which is the thinking mind, but the intense presence you generate when dealing with the pain-body will also free you from identification with the mind.
The first thing to remember is this: As long as you make an identity for yourself out of the pain, you cannot become free of it. As long as part of your sense of self is invested in your emotional pain, you will unconsciously resist or sabotage every attempt that you make to heal that pain. Why? Quite simply because you want to keep yourself intact, and the pain has become an essential part of you. This is an unconscious process, and the only way to overcome it is to make it conscious. To suddenly see that you are or have been attached to your pain can be quite a shocking realization. The moment you realize this, you have broken the attachment. The pain-body is an energy field, almost like an entity, that has become temporarily lodged in your inner space. It is life energy that has become trapped, energy that is no longer flowing. Of course, the pain-body is there because of certain things that happened in the past. It is the living past in you, and if you identify with it, you identify with the past. A victim identity is the belief that the past is more powerful than the present, which is the opposite of the truth. It is the belief that other people and what they did to you are responsible for who you are now, for your emotional pain or your inability to be your true self. The truth is that the only power there is, is contained within this moment: It is the power of your presence. Once you know that, you also realize that you are responsible for your inner space now – nobody else is – and that the past cannot prevail against the power of the Now. So identification prevents you from dealing with the pain-body. Some women who are already conscious enough to have relinquished their victim identity on the personal level are still holding on to a collective victim identity “what men did to women.” They are right – and they are also wrong. They are right inasmuch as the collective female painbody is in large part due to male violence inflicted on women and repression of the female principle throughout the planet over millennia. They are wrong if they derive a sense of self from this fact and thereby keep themselves imprisoned in a collective victim identity. If a woman is still holding on to anger, resentment, or condemnation, she is holding on to her pain-body. This may give her a comforting sense of identity, of solidarity with other women, but it is keeping her in bondage to the past and blocking full access to her essence and true power. If women exclude themselves from men, that fosters a sense of separation and therefore a strengthening of the ego. And the stronger the ego, the more distant you are from your true nature. So do not use the pain-body to give you an identity. Use it for enlightenment instead. Transmute it into consciousness. One of the best tunes for this is during menses. I believe that, in the years to come, many women will enter the fully conscious state during that time. Usually, it is a time of unconsciousness for many women, as they are taken over by the collective female pain-body. Once you have reached a certain level of consciousness, however, you can reverse this, so instead of becoming unconscious you become more conscious. I have described the basic process already, but let me take you through it again, this time with special reference to the collective female pain-body. When you know that the menstrual flow is approaching, before you feel the first signs of what is commonly called premenstrual tension, the awakening of the collective female pain-body, become very alert and inhabit your body as fully as possible. When the first sign appears, you need to be alert enough to “catch” it before it takes you over. For example, the first sign may be a sudden strong irritation or a flash of anger, or it may be a purely physical symptom. Whatever it is, catch it before it can take over your thinking or behavior. This simply means putting the spotlight of your attention on it. If it is an emotion, feel the strong energy charge behind it. Know that it is the painbody. At the same time, be the knowing; that is to say, be aware of your conscious presence and feel its power. Any emotion that you take your presence into will quickly subside and become transmuted. If it is a purely physical symptom, the attention that you give it will prevent it from turning into an emotion or a thought. Then continue to be alert and wait for the next sign of the pain-body. When it appears, catch it again in the same way as before. Later, when the pain-body has fully awakened from its dormant state, you may experience considerable turbulence in your inner space for a while, perhaps for several days. Whatever form this takes, stay present. Give it your complete attention. Watch the turbulence inside you. Know it is there. Hold the knowing, and be the knowing. Remember: do not let the pain-body use your mind and take over your thinking. Watch it. Feel its energy directly, inside your body. As you know, full attention means full acceptance. Through sustained attention and thus acceptance, there comes transmutation. The pain-body becomes transformed into radiant consciousness, just as a piece of wood, when placed in or near a fire, itself is transformed into fire. Menstruation will then become not only a joyful and fulfilling expression of your womanhood but also a sacred time of transmutation, when you give birth to a new consciousness. Your true nature then shines forth, both in its female aspect as the Goddess and in its transcendental aspect as the divine Being that you are beyond male and female duality. If your male partner is conscious enough, he can help you with the practice I have just described by holding the frequency of intense presence particularly at this time. If he stays present whenever you fall back into unconscious identification with the pain-body, which can and will happen at first, you will be able to quickly rejoin him in that state. This means that whenever the pain-body temporarily takes over, whether during menses or at other times, your partner will not mistake it for who you are. Even if the pain-body attacks him, as it probably will, he will not react to it as if it were “you,” withdraw, or put up some kind of defense. He will hold the space of intense presence. Nothing else is needed for transformation. At other times, you will be able to do the same for him or help him reclaim consciousness from the mind by drawing his attention into the here and now whenever he becomes identified with his thinking. In this way, a permanent energy field of a pure and high frequency will arise between you. No illusion, no pain, no conflict, nothing that is not you, and nothing that is not love can survive in it. This represents the fulfillment of the divine, transpersonal purpose of your relationship. It becomes a vortex of consciousness that will draw in many others.
Give Up The Relationship With Yourself
Arbuthnott-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Auchenblae-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Backhill – of Clackriach-Aberdeenshire (near Peterhead) – Banchory – Devenick-Kincardineshire (near Aberdeen) – Banchory-Kincardineshire – Banchory Devenick-Kincardineshire – Barthol – Chapel-Aberdeenshire (near Turriff) – Benholm-Kincardineshire – Brathens-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Bridge of – Alford-Aberdeenshire (near Aboyne) – Bridge of – Canny-Kincardineshire (near Banchory) – Bridge of – Dye-Aberdeenshire (near Aboyne) – Bridge of Feugh-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Bridge of Gairn-Aberdeenshire – (near Tomintoul) – Cammachmore-Kincardineshire – (near Aberdeen) – Catterline-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Chapel – Hill-Aberdeenshire (near Peterhead) – Chapel of Garioch-Aberdeenshire – (near Aberdeen) – Chapeltown-Kincardineshire – Cock – Bridge-Aberdeenshire (near Tomintoul) – Cookney-Kincardineshire – (near Aberdeen) – Cowie-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Crathes-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Crawton-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Cross of Jackston-Aberdeenshire – (near Turriff) – Crossroads (Banchory)-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Cruden – Bay-Aberdeenshire (near Peterhead) – Denside-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Downies-Kincardineshire – (near Aberdeen) – Drumblair – House-Aberdeenshire (near Turriff) – Drumfrennie-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Drumlithie-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Durris-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Easter Balmoral-Aberdeenshire – Elsick – House-Aberdeenshire (near Aberdeen) – Fettercairn-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Fetteresso-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Findon-Kincardineshire – (near Aberdeen) – Folla – Rule-Aberdeenshire (near Turriff) – Fordoun-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Glen Foudland-Aberdeenshire – (near Turriff) – Gourdon-Kincardineshire – Hatton of Fintray-Aberdeenshire – (near Aberdeen) – Hillside-Kincardineshire (near Aberdeen) – Hirn-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Howe of Teuchar-Aberdeenshire – (near Turriff) – Inverbervie-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Inverugie – Mill-Aberdeenshire (near Peterhead) – Johnshaven-Kincardineshire – Kincardine – O’Neil-Aberdeenshire (near Aboyne) – Kinneff-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Kirkton – of Glenbuchat-Aberdeenshire (near Aboyne) – Kirkton – of Logie Buchan-Aberdeenshire (near Peterhead) – Kirkton – of Rayne-Aberdeenshire (near Turriff) – Kirkton – of Skene-Aberdeenshire (near Aberdeen) – Kirktown – of Auchterless-Aberdeenshire (near Turriff) – Kirktown – of Bourtie-Aberdeenshire (near Aberdeen) – Kirktown – of Clatt-Aberdeenshire (near Turriff) – Kirktown – of Fetteresso-Kincardineshire (near Banchory) – Laurencekirk-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Leochel – Cushnie-Aberdeenshire (near Alford) – Little – Dens-Aberdeenshire (near Peterhead) – Little – Downs-Aberdeenshire (near Peterhead) – Lochside-Kincardineshire – (near Arbroath) – Logie – Coldstone-Aberdeenshire (near Aboyne) – Luthermuir-Kincardineshire – Lyne of Skene-Aberdeenshire – (near Banchory) – Maryculter-Kincardineshire – (near Aberdeen) – Marykirk-Kincardineshire – (near Arbroath) – Marywell-Kincardineshire – (near Aberdeen) – Meikle – Wartle-Aberdeenshire (near Turriff) – Mid Ardlaw-Aberdeenshire – (near Peterhead) – Mid Beltie-Aberdeenshire – (near Banchory) – Milltown of Campfield-Aberdeenshire – (near Banchory) – Milton of Auchinhove-Aberdeenshire – (near Aboyne) – Milton of Tullich-Aberdeenshire – (near Tomintoul) – Moor of Balvack-Aberdeenshire – (near Banchory) – Muchalls-Kincardineshire – (near Aberdeen) – Muir of Fowlis-Aberdeenshire – (near Aboyne) – Myrebird-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Nether Crimond-Aberdeenshire – (near Aberdeen) – Nether Kinmundy-Aberdeenshire – (near Peterhead) – Netherley-Kincardineshire – (near Aberdeen) – New Aberdour-Aberdeenshire – (near Rosehearty) – New Deer-Aberdeenshire – (near Turriff) – New – Leeds-Aberdeenshire (near Peterhead) – New Pitsligo-Aberdeenshire – (near Turriff) – Newbyth-Aberdeenshire – (near Turriff) – Newtonhill-Kincardineshire – (near Aberdeen) – North Broomhill-Aberdeenshire – (near Turriff) – Old Deer-Aberdeenshire – (near Stuartfield) – Old – Rayne-Aberdeenshire (near Turriff) – Port Elphinstone-Aberdeenshire – (near Aberdeen) – Portlethen-Kincardineshire – (near Aberdeen) – Rickarton-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Slacks of Cairnbanno-Aberdeenshire – (near Turriff) – Spittal – of Glenmuick-Aberdeenshire (near Aboyne) – St Combs-Aberdeenshire – (near Peterhead) – St – Cyrus-Kincardineshire (near Arbroath) – St – Fergus-Aberdeenshire (near Peterhead) – St Katherines-Aberdeenshire – (near Turriff) – Stonehaven-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Strachan-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – The Neuk-Kincardineshire – (near Banchory) – Tyrie-Aberdeenshire – (near Turriff) – Udny – Green-Aberdeenshire (near Aberdeen) – Udny – Station-Aberdeenshire (near Aberdeen) – Woodlands-Kincardineshire (near Banchory) – Yonder Bognie-Aberdeenshire – (near Turriff) –
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