In actual fact, there are 3 angels/guardian angels/archangels associated with the zodiac sign of Pisces Aquarius Cusp and which of these angels comes forward first depends on the importance of what each has to say.

The first angel associated with Pisces Aquarius Cusp is The Guardian Angel Haamiah.
The Guardian Angel Haamiah, as one of your zodiac angels, can highlight any of the following energies:
Upright Meanings: intuition, subconscious, vagueness, deception, error, misconception, danger, instability, trickery, disillusionment, anxiety, disgrace, double-dealing deception, fear, dreams, illusion
In Reverse:, negative advantage, truth, subsiding anxiety, regaining composure, unveiling secrets, releasing fear, trifling mistakes, deception discovered, self-deception
You can click The Guardian Angel Haamiah for more detail about how this angel influences Pisces Aquarius Cusp.

The second angel associated with Pisces Aquarius Cusp is The Archangel Sandalphon.
The Archangel Sandalphon, as your zodiac angel, brings any of the following energies:
Upright Meanings: intuition, loving mother, shy, gentle, mature emotional female, caring, loving, counsellor, psychic, security, warmth, femininity, kindness, romance, beauty, empath, inspirational, happiness, loyal, sensitivity, healer, creative artistic, pretty, daydreamer, listener, faithful, supportive, easily wounded
In Reverse:, weak, disloyal, gloom, manipulative, lack of trust, sulky, giving too much, smothering, spiteful, perverse, unfaithful, shallow, self-centred, over-active imagination, depressed, overly-sensitive, lacking direction, insecurity, unhappy, bitter, blocked intuition, vengeful, frivolous, emotional immaturity, needy, silly, disorganised
You can click The Archangel Sandalphon for more detail about how this angel influences Pisces Aquarius Cusp.

The last angel associated with Pisces Aquarius Cusp is The Archangel Uriel.
The Archangel Uriel, – this zodiac angel comes with any of the following energies:
Upright Meanings: hopelessness, abuse, cheating, ill temper, ravage, dependency, powerlessness, obsession, disaster, violence, controversy, depression, downfall, unexpected failure, addiction, secrecy, mental health issues, bondage, materialism, sexuality
In Reverse:, revelation, enlightenment, detachment, recovery, overcoming addiction, reclaiming power, freedom, release, divorce, independence
You can click The Archangel Uriel for more detail about how this angel influences Pisces Aquarius Cusp.
These angel card are part of our 78 card deck and Pisces Aquarius Cusp has 3 angels there. With all 12 zodiac signs having 3 angels there are still plenty of angels to assist so why not have a free reading?