Clairvoyants, Mediums and Psychics in Sussex
Please find a more up to date list at Psychic Readings Sussex

In memory of clairvoyant psychic Colin Fry, now working from spirit.
For those with an interest in Physical Mediumship, please Contact the Zerdin Fellowsip.
Dennis Pearman, Priors Leaze Lane, Hambrook,
West Sussex, PO18 8RQ
Mobile Tel: 07973 205183
Clairvoyants, Mediums and Psychics in Sussex please contact us for your free listing here. If you were searching for a psychic in Sussex or any of the following areas, please reach out to us with the details of the psychic you eventually go to.
Covering the following areas in Sussex: Brighton, Crawley
This page is part of our psychics directory for Sussex. If you weren’t looking for psychics in Sussex use the search at the bottom of the page. In the meantime, we have some amazing books that may help if you want to know more about beoming a psychic. Please see below.
Here are some extracts from a few of my favorites
Development for Beginners: With that said, at the very least you can now see that the fascination with psychic development is one that has pervaded throughout the course of history and it is not one that is likely to fall by the wayside any time soon. The interest in paranormal and psychic abilities is not a passing fad like pet rocks or shoulder pads; it’s a field of study with a strong historical foundation that has captivated millions.
Books to help develop your powers as a medium
Development for Beginners: Step 6: Shell-it Once you have formed your psychic shield, it’s time to reinforce it by turning it into a shell’ so to speak. You can do this by creating a mental image of your shield growing hard and impenetrable (a process referring to as shelling’) a solid fortress of protection. Then, once you have done this, the process of creating your psychic shield is complete!
Development for Beginners: Even if you don’t plan on communicating your psychic abilities to anyone else, it is still beneficial to know the definitions of key words and phrases so that you can digest the material more quickly and readily. This is also why I am including this section at the beginning of the book rather than at the end.

Full List of areas covered on our Sussex Psychics page:
This page is part of our psychics directory for Sussex. If you weren’t looking for psychics in Sussex use the search at the bottom of the page. In the meantime, we have some amazing books that may help if you want to know more about beoming a psychic. Please see below.
Here are some extracts from a few of my favorites