Find Spiritual Healers in Wigtownshire

Joanna Raggett, Greenwich, London SE12
07904 172769
Marie-Ange Jean-Baptiste, London, London SE1
07449 171975
Sheila Bowdler, West London, London W5 3QA
07500 501648, 02036 240184

Spiritual Healers: If you offer Spiritual Healing in Wigtownshire please contact us for your free listing here. If you were searching for a Spiritual Healer in Wigtownshire or any of the following areas, please let us know who you go to for your spiritual healing. We had a major website hack, probably from a competitor and lost all healers info so we would be very grateful for your help in recreating it.
Covering the following areas in Wigtownshire: Castlebay, Harris, Isle Of Benbecula, Isle Of Lewis, Isle Of Scalpay, Leverburgh, Lochboisdale, Lochmaddy, Stornoway
This page is part of our Spiritual Healers directory for Wigtownshire. If you weren’t looking for a Spiritual Healer in Wigtownshire please use the search at the bottom of the page
Numerology and Health
Looking into Numerology for health begins with the core emotional issues you may find yourself grappling with, which can in turn manifest in ongoing or recurring physical concerns.
“The Number Sixty Seven reversed card can indicate that you are ready to let go of people, possessions, situations or past issues. You may be releasing toxic people or situations that are no longer healthy for you, shedding old issues or letting go of regrets or fears. You may also be feeling generous and sharing your wealth or possessions by giving to others. Be careful not to go to the extreme in this aspect and allow others to take advantage of you. This minor card can indicate that you may have let go of or lost something valuable through theft or gambling or it can be an indication that you are out of control or are engaging in reckless behaviour. However, the Number Sixty Seven reversed can also indicate that you having stopped trying to control people or situations and are approaching things with a more relaxed and open attitude. Look to the surrounding cards for clarification.”,
“It’s important to ‘stay in the moment’ and, once again, to pay attention to how you are (or are not) keeping a sense of balance in your life. Moderation is not just for monks, it’s an important part of living a sensible and healthy life. Consider how you might be ‘out of balance’ – particularly if you have a health challenge now and remedy the situation. You have the power to do so.”,
“It’s important now to give some thought to forgiveness. You don’t forgive others for THEIR sake, or because they ‘deserve it,’ necessarily, you do it for your own sake, because holding on to anger and pain is toxic and bad for you. Not only that, while you’re busy being angry and full of pain, the person you’re angry with, is often somewhere having a good time! So, now is the time to let go.”,

Full List of areas covered on our Wigtownshire Spiritual Healers Readers page:
This page is part of our Spiritual Healers directory for Wigtownshire. If you weren’t looking for a Spiritual Healer in Wigtownshire please use the search at the bottom of the page
Numerology and Health
Looking into Numerology for health begins with the core emotional issues you may find yourself grappling with, which can in turn manifest in ongoing or recurring physical concerns.