1000 ANGELS: Manifest The Angel of Meditation to draw close This angel comes forward as part of a group of Messenger Angels and brings another angel to assist to help on the issue of Meditation Connecting with The Angel of Meditation for Help: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something READ MORE
Tag: meditation
Past Life Regression Meditation
We are all able to access their own past lives. It just take time and patience. This free past life regression exercise is just one way of allowing a glimpse into a past life or in time more than one of your past lives. Although the word regression is widely used, this tend to imply READ MORE
The River of Life Meditation
This meditation is copyright to Gay Clarke of Pathway to Spirit not Van Ault as has been incorrectly accredited by some people copying without permission. You may use this meditation on your website as long as you email me first and properly accredit it with a link to this page (see below). This meditation was READ MORE