Anthony Kesner Psychic Medium & Clairvoyant: Professional medium for over 25 years, giving both one-to-one readings and on platform throughout the UK in spiritual churches and other psychic events.
Tag: old-mediums
Tony Stockwell
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Medium Stevie Robinson
Stephanie Robinson Email Stevie via our Mediums Directory Private Consultations Stevie has been aware of spirit since childhood. It would appear to be an ability inherited from the genes of the female ancestral line. For the last twenty years she has been teaching and demonstrating in England and across Europe. Her mediumship is known READ MORE
Private Consultations
Email Stevie or Haydn via our Mediums Directory One-2-One Private Consultations We have been pleased to arrange these over many years within the London area and Southern Home Counties. We found recently, however that the appearances of our colleague Colin Fry on TV Living Channel programme ‘Sixth Sense have created a demand for our readings READ MORE
Colin Fry
Colin Fry – UK TV Psychic Colin Fry was considered by many to be one of the worlds finest spiritualist mediums before his passing from lung cancer in August 2015. I had the honour of knowing Colin and sitting in his seances when he bought through many interesting personalities. Colin hosted his own TV show READ MORE
Derek Acorah
Derek Acorah – UK TV Psychic Derek Acorah is the stage name of Derek Johnson (born January 27 1950). He is a popular but controversial British cable and satellite television personality who has come to fame as a psychic medium. His early life was spent in Liverpool where according to his several books he first READ MORE
Medium Haydn Clarke
Haydn Clarke Email Haydn via our Mediums Directory Private Consultations Haydn has been aware of spirit entities since early childhood. His mother was a well-known medium who had him conducting his first sitting at the age of 11. For the past eighteen years Haydn has specialised in trance, transfiguration and physic art. He works through READ MORE
James Van Praagh
James Van Praagh – U.S.A TV psychic show Beyond James Van Praagh’s very natural easy-going style would lead you to believe that James is chatting with a friend on the telephone not communicating messages from the grave. James is a survival evidence medium meaning that he is able to bridge the gap between two planes READ MORE
Joan Hughes
Joan Hughes Email Joan via our Mediums Directory Psychic Resources Psychic Readings
John Edward Crossing Over
In connection with clairvoyance, the heart chakra is utilized to “tune” in by way of “empathy”, and this makes us reach “clear feeling” when we begin developing this chakra. Moreover, the heart chakra helps telling us where we are in our lives and if we are on the right track. It is only a question READ MORE
Pia-Evelyne Backman
Pia-Evelyne Backman Email Pia via our Mediums Directory Psychic Resources Psychic Readings