Find a Tarot Reader in Selkirkshire
Grimfist’s Tarot Readings, 12 Body Rd, Reading, RG1 7JP
Tel. 07597 832105
Julie Moore – Psychic Tarot Reader & Holistic Healer, 15 Irvine Way, Reading, RG6 4JW
Tel. 0118 975 0686

In memory of clairvoyant psychic Colin Fry, now working from spirit.
For those with an interest in Physical Mediumship, please Contact the Zerdin Fellowship.
Dennis Pearman, Priors Leaze Lane, Hambrook,
West Sussex, PO18 8RQ
Mobile Tel: 07973 205183
TAROT READERS: If you offer tarot readings in Selkirkshire please contact us for your free listing here. If you were searching for a tarot card reader in Selkirkshire or any of the following areas, please let us know who you go to for your tarot reading. We had a major website hack, probably from a competitor and lost all tarot readers info so we would be very grateful for your help in recreating it.
Covering the following areas in Selkirkshire: Galashiels, Selkirk
This page is part of our tarot readers directory for Selkirkshire. If you weren’t looking for a tarot reader in Selkirkshire please use the search at the bottom of the page. In the meantime, we have some amazing books that may help if you want to know more about becoming a clairvoyant card reader. Please see below.
Here are some extracts from a few of my favorite books
Complete Book of Tarot: Fact(s) 10: Every reader develops his or her own method of interpreting the cards on the basis of experience and intuition. The Golden Dawn routinely abandoned a divination if the querent’s significator failed to appear in a spread in a way that clearly addressed the client’s concerns. It’s hard to be objective when reading for yourself or for people you care about. Remember that the doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient. When in doubt, it is wise to get a second opinion from an experienced tarot reader. As you become more skilled, your readings will become valuable resources others are willing to pay for, just as they would compensate any valued consultant.
Free Tarot Readings. Books to help develop your own skills reading tarot cards
Complete Book of Tarot: Waite (1911): A posse of youths, who are brandishing staves, as if in sport or strife. It is mimic warfare, and hereto correspond the Divinatory Meanings: Imitation, as, for example, sham fight, but also the strenuous competition and struggle of the search after riches and fortune. In this sense it connects with the battle of life. Hence some attributions say that it is a card of gold, gain, opulence; (R) litigation, disputes, trickery, contradiction.
Complete Book of Tarot: Some clients use the tarot regularly for meditation and spiritual enlightenment. When a querent has no specific question in mind, one can do a general reading to suggest issues that are currently important for the querent to ponder. General readings often highlight concerns that warrant further exploration. For example, the Chariot might indicate plans to buy or sell a car, the Hierophant might presage a church wedding, Justice might refer to a court case or legal matter, and so on.

Full List of areas covered on our Selkirkshire Tarot Readers page:
This page is part of our tarot readers directory for Selkirkshire. If you weren’t looking for a tarot reader in Selkirkshire please use the search at the bottom of the page. In the meantime, we have some amazing books that may help if you want to know more about becoming a clairvoyant card reader. Please see below.
Here are some extracts from a few of my favorite books