Find a Tarot Reader in Shetland
Grimfist’s Tarot Readings, 12 Body Rd, Reading, RG1 7JP
Tel. 07597 832105
Julie Moore – Psychic Tarot Reader & Holistic Healer, 15 Irvine Way, Reading, RG6 4JW
Tel. 0118 975 0686

Swindon based Samantha Jane is an internationally acclaimed Psychic Tarot Reader, Medium and Healer who has been reading for clients around the world for over 16 years.
A natural born psychic my abilities include remote viewing, trance, transfiguration and psychic precognition.
She has a love for the tarot and uses it to find happiness in this world and the clarity and strength to make empowered choices.
Samantha is a world class Psychic Reader and Medium with over 16 years experience who provides a range of emailed tarot readings within 24 hours for clients around the world.
Her specialty is readings the energies of the situation you are currently in and how to get the best out of the situation.
Tel: 07948 372 965
TAROT READERS: If you offer tarot readings in Shetland please contact us for your free listing here. If you were searching for a tarot card reader in Shetland or any of the following areas, please let us know who you go to for your tarot reading. We had a major website hack, probably from a competitor and lost all tarot readers info so we would be very grateful for your help in recreating it.
Covering the following areas in Shetland: Lerwick, Shetland
This page is part of our tarot readers directory for Shetland. If you weren’t looking for a tarot reader in Shetland please use the search at the bottom of the page. In the meantime, we have some amazing books that may help if you want to know more about becoming a tarot reader. Please see below.
Here are some extracts from a few of my favorite books
Complete Book of Tarot: My longstanding interest in astrology has prompted me to study the attributions of the Golden Dawn and their tarot associations to supplement my understanding of an astrological birth chart. The natal horoscope is simply a map of the heavens centered around one’s birthplace on Earth and calculated for the exact moment when you emerge as a separate individual from your mother’s womb.
Free Tarot Readings. Books to help develop your own skills with the tarot
Complete Book of Tarot: While reflecting on the material in this text, it dawned on me that reading the tarot serves much the same function as the imaginative play of childhood. In his work with children, British psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott observed that child’s play forms the basis for adult creativity and the search for self. 46
Complete Book of Tarot: The power of the tarot lies in the fact that each card represents an archetypal situation all of us may have experienced at some point in our lives. By creating a forum that allows the reader and querent to meditate jointly on these archetypes, a good tarot reading almost always touches on issues of great personal significance, and, just as in the story of the Hasidic rabbi, has the potential to heal.

Full List of areas covered on our Shetland Tarot Readers page:
This page is part of our tarot readers directory for Shetland. If you weren’t looking for a tarot reader in Shetland please use the search at the bottom of the page. In the meantime, we have some amazing books that may help if you want to know more about becoming a tarot reader. Please see below.
Here are some extracts from a few of my favorite books