29 Meaning

Here are the 3 numbers for the Meaning of The Number 29. All 3 numbers meanings are equally important but one may have special meaning.

Upright Meanings: hastiness, exciting times, infatuation, ahead, gaining momentum, being swept off your feet, movement, obsession, travel, new ideas, positive, holiday, love, energetic, progress, speed, taking off, freedom, sudden action, journey, hard work paying off, results, rushing, holiday romances, action, solutions, thinking on your feet

The Number Twenty Nine represents hastiness, speed, rushing, progress, movement and action. It is a minor card of sudden action, excitement, exciting times, travel, freedom, holidays and holiday romances. Whatever you turn your hand to at the moment will take off at great speed and gain momentum. You will be feeling positive and energetic. You will be thinking on your feet, seeing results and finding solutions. Your hard work will be paying off and you will be ahead of the game. The Number Twenty Nine also represents infatuation, obsession and getting carried away or being swept off your feet.


Upright Meanings: impatience, virtue, desirability, purity, learning, spirituality, creativity, mystery, wisdom, intuition, thirst for knowledge, knowledge, unattainability, higher power, sensuality, subconscious

What does The Number 2 Mean? The Number Two possesses intuition, mystery and sensuality combined with common sense. When The Number Two appears in a reading she indicates that now is the time to trust your instincts and go with your gut feeling. Pay attention to your dreams and the signs and symbols the universe is sending you when this major card appears in a reading.


What does The Number 9 Mean?

Upright Meanings: caution, prudence, soul searching, introspection, withdrawal, vigilance, spiritual enlightenment, inner guidance, self-reflection, contemplation, inner strength

The Number Nine card in an upright position generally indicates that you are entering a period of soul searching, self-reflection and spiritual enlightenment. You may find that you need time alone to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, to remove yourself from the daily grind in order to discover your true spiritual self, contemplate your existence, your direction in life or your values. The Number Nine can also indicate isolating yourself or withdrawing into oneself in order to recover from a difficult situation. This major card can suggest that you may be going through an anti-social phase where you just don’t want to interact with people as much as you normally would. The Number Nine is wise, mature and knowledgeable and may be an indication of someone seeking the services of a counsellor or psychiatrist. This is a time to focus on yourself and meeting your own needs.

More Detail including Reversed Meanings