In actual fact, there are 3 angels/guardian angels/archangels associated with the zodiac sign of Virgo Leo Cusp and which of these angels comes forward first depends on the importance of what each has to say.

The first angel associated with Virgo Leo Cusp is The Guardian Angel of Youth.
The Guardian Angel of Youth, as one of your zodiac angels, can highlight any of the following energies:
Upright Meanings: caution, prudence, soul searching, introspection, withdrawal, vigilance, spiritual enlightenment, inner guidance, self-reflection, contemplation, inner strength
In Reverse:, hastiness, withdrawal, rashness, paranoia, isolation, foolishness, immaturity, loneliness, imprudence, being reclusive, restrictive, anti-social
You can click The Guardian Angel of Youth for more detail about how this angel influences Virgo Leo Cusp.

The second angel associated with Virgo Leo Cusp is The Archangel Metatron.
The Archangel Metatron, as your zodiac angel, brings any of the following energies:
Upright Meanings: go against the flow, champion, risk-taker, strong man, single-minded, impatient, assertive, intellectual, rebellious, focused, soldier, jump in, perfectionist, forward-thinking, honest, clever person, ambitious, hero, seize the moment, quick-wit, direct, big changes/ opportunities, brave, daring, impulsive, courageous, talkative, braver, arrival/departure
In Reverse:, go with the flow, rude, criminal, aggressive, forceful, dangerous, left behind, heading for a fall, follower, coward, insincere, tyranny, know it all, vicious, hurtful, sarcastic, troublemaker, out of your depth, leading others to danger, missed opportunities, arrogant, out of control, a crafty, bully, self-obsessed, tactless, unfocused
You can click The Archangel Metatron for more detail about how this angel influences Virgo Leo Cusp.

The last angel associated with Virgo Leo Cusp is The Archangel Raziel.
The Archangel Raziel, – this zodiac angel comes with any of the following energies:
Upright Meanings: willpower, creativity, intellect, self-confidence, influence, sleight of hand, power, logic, resourcefulness, ability, skill, will-power, dexterity
In Reverse:, insecurity, delay, cunning, unused ability, greed, lack of self-confidence, unimaginative, manipulation, untrustworthiness, conniving, trickery
You can click The Archangel Raziel for more detail about how this angel influences Virgo Leo Cusp.
These angel card are part of our 78 card deck and Virgo Leo Cusp has 3 angels there. With all 12 zodiac signs having 3 angels there are still plenty of angels to assist so why not have a free reading?