Angel Affirmations
Affirmations are not exclusive to angels. In our angel readings they are used as a tool to bring solace and guidance on a particular topic. The difference between Angel affirmations and other positive affirmations, is that you affirm in response to guidance from an angel or archangel and this can strengthen your connection to the Angelic Realm as well as the issue at hand.
Although widely used in love readings, the law of attraction with the angelic realm relates to the energies attached or ‘attracted’ to the affirmation (or other object) rather than physical attraction between a couple.
Positive angel affirmations can help you to establish clear lines of communication with the angels energies and help you connect to them and your spirit guides. One of the reasons affirmations and mantras work well is that practiced with the right intent they can hold powerful energy and the more they are attended to, the more they create positive higher energies that can match your own frequencies.

What are Positive Affirmations?
You may as well just ask, what are affirmations as all affirmations are positive. There is no such thing as a negative affirmation in the sense that it was written. However it is quite possible for someone to take a positive affirmation and use it in a negative way. Let me give you an example. Fred is very timid so a positive affirmation for Fred might be “I will make my feelings known daily.” Joe is very overbearing and doesn’t like to be wrong. For him this positive affirmation would actually be quite negative, both for him and the affect it has on those around him.
What is the Meaning of Affirmations?

Affirmations have meaning for the person using them. A better question would be ‘what is the purpose of affirmations?’ Broadly speaking, they are used as a means of reinforcing muscle memory of the brain, rewiring it if you like, reaching our subconscious.
When we are aware of something holding us back or causing us problems, a simple statement, repeated can bring about solid change. You might like to consider the other side of the coin and read Why I hate Affirmations by Elise Enriquez. I have a lot of sympathy for this point of view although I appreciate that where angels are concerned many of you will not agree!
Do you have to say Affirmations Aloud?
Honestly, I hate this question. Yes you are supposed to say affirmations out loud and voicing them certainly helps. They say the sound must reach your ears the louder the better, but frankly I think it has more to do with the force of your belief. Personally, I can never bring myself say say affirmations aloud, anymore than I could repeat my spanish audio aloud, and I have to say that was detrimental so maybe you shouldn’t listen to me. And seriously, do you ever really use the word ABUNDANCE in real life? I do wish someone would publish some affirmations that talk in a language we actually use!